Rotade runt bland bloggare och hittade någon som lekte en kul lek! Man shufflar i itunes och ja, här är reglerna! Kom igen! Gissa i comments-delen.
step 1: put your iTunes or equivalent on random.
step 2: post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
step 3: bold out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
step 4: looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING.
1. When I feel like you get too close I put you right down
2. Crazy Janey had a mission man3. Don't be so quick to walk away4. Reality's a dream
5. With her killer graces and her secret places that no boy can fill
6. I'm enslaved by the weekdays, by their names monday and friday
7. You, you work all night and when you're working you feel alright
8. Smeared black ink, your palms are sweaty
9. I want to tell you all a story 'bout a Harper Valley widow wife
10. I'm dead from the waist up
11. So if you're lonely12. I come from down the valley13. Det gör inte ont när jag faller från en barstol
14. It's what you get from waking up scared
15. I'm in the phonebooth it's the one across the hall
16. You quiver like a candle on fire
17. Everybodys got a thing
18. I'm tired of losing myself in some
19. Remember Rio and get down
20. Some words are like shelter